The UK electronic information Group (UKeiG) is pleased to announce that the winner of the prestigious international Tony Kent Strix Memorial Award for 2024 is prof.Nicola Ferro, one of the world’s
leading scientists in information retrieval.
The UK electronic information Group (UKeiG) is pleased to announce that the winner of the prestigious international Tony Kent Strix Memorial Award for 2024 is one of the world’s leading
scientists in information retrieval, Nicola Ferro, Professor in Computer Science at the Department of Information Engineering of University of Padua.
The award celebrates his distinguished research record and sustained, cumulative contribution to the field of information retrieval (IR).
The Strix award honours outstanding contributions to the field in memory of Tony Kent, a remarkable IR pioneer. It was inaugurated in 1998 by the Institute of Information Scientists and
is now presented by UKeiG in partnership with the International Society for Knowledge Organisation UK (ISKO UK), the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Information and Computer Applications
Group (RSC CICAG) and the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG). Whereas at the time of Kent’s ground-breaking achievements IR was a fascinating sideline
for relatively few specialists, nowadays the Search function underpins everyday living at home, at work and across the globe. This Award is more widely relevant than ever before.
Nicola’s IR research focuses on evaluation, from both a theoretical and an experimental perspective. He chairs the Steering Committee of CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum),
the internationally renowned European initiative for the evaluation of multilingual and multimodal information access systems, and through his efforts has made it central to the IR evaluation
community. He was inducted into the Special Interest Group in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) Academy in 2023 in recognition of his significant research, innovation and service delivery.
The Strix judging panel noted that his contributions to IR are extensive, evidenced by an outstanding and impactful publications record. It would like to congratulate him on his prolific
and significant leadership and contribution to the profession on multiple fronts.
Nicola was delighted to receive the news and will celebrate his award in a special free Zoom lecture on the afternoon of Thursday January 9th 2025,
where he will reflect on the challenges and opportunities of generative AI for the IR community.
Book here for your free place:
"I’m honoured to receive this prestigious award and thank the Strix judging panel for such important recognition. This achievement would have not been possible without the mentors
I've encountered throughout my career and without the collaboration with and inspiration from numerous colleagues, in Padua and around the world. I consider this award an appreciation
of not only my work but also of the contributions of the international CLEF community."
Professor Norbert Fuhr, Information Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, submitted the nomination.
It included five letters of support from well-known scientists, one of whom was 2017 Strix award winner Professor Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam Informatics.
"Early in his career, Nicola Ferro made ground-breaking contributions on reference models for digital libraries, on annotations of digital content, and on system design for digital
libraries. His work in this area has been very influential. He is best known for his impressive contributions to the evaluation of information retrieval systems. He is among the world’s
top experts in the field. Thanks to Nicola’s tireless work, his people skills, and his scientific vision, CLEF unites a broad set of tasks, from traditional document retrieval to
environmental image classification to medical data integration. CLEF has been, and continues to be, instrumental in supporting and advancing the research agendas of countless researchers."
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