Introduction to Machine Learning

What is adaptive behaviour? What is learning? What is Machine Learning?

In order to act successfully in a complex environment, biological systems have developed sophisticated adaptive behaviour through learning and evolution in terms of acquisition of knowledge about the world and adaptive change in behaviour caused by experience. The best way to build intelligent systems at present seems to be learning and inference.

In Machine Learning, a computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T, and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E (Tom Mitchell 1997).

The aim of the course is to provide the basic concepts of Machine Learning, present some basic algorithms to deal with classification and regression problems, qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the results of an experiment.

The student will know the fundamental principles and main methodologies of machine learning, will be able to analyze some cases of supervised and unsupervised learning and evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen methodology for solving a problem, will have the skills to design and implement software systems capable of solving the problems considered.

  •   Hands-on experience
  •   Team work
  •   Flipped classroom
  •   Open teaching material
  •   Have fun
  •   Learn and Design algorithms

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Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio

Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio
Associate Professor